Volunteer OpportunitiesCouncil - The Council has general oversight of Creator's life and activities, the financial and property affairs of this church and, in particular, Creator's worship life. Council is mandated by our constitution
Nominating Committee - According to Creator's constitution the Nominating Committee consists of up to six voting members. This committee selects panels of candidates for this year's council positions to be voted on at the Spring meeting and for next year's Nominating Committee, Audit Committee and Synod Assembly members to be voted on next January. Audit Committee - According to Creator's constitution consists of three voting members. This committee reviews the financial processes that Creator follows and recommends any needed changes that insures their integrity. Facilities Team - The team is responsible for the projects and tasks involving the operation and maintenance of Creator's building, physical assets, and grounds. Stewardship Team - This team's purpose is to educate the congregation in the Biblical principles of whole life stewardship and not merely the raising of money to meet budgets. Technical Team - A team that would review and recommend digital strategies and Creator's engagement with Creator's overall web presence. Land Use Committee - A team that explores the opportunities and possibilites for the ways Creator wants to use the land and reports recommendations back to the counil. Youth Coordinator Volunteer -Working with Southeast Portland Youth Collective and other volunteers to help build bonds with youth and leaders through stories to understand and respect one another Website Subject Matter Experts - Help create, articulate, review, and update content relating to specific Creator ministries. There are opportunities to share webmaster duties as well. Creator On The Go Administrator - A social mobile application that allows the congregation to post information for others to see. Strategize best use and review content. Instagram / Twitter Moderators - Currently we have no Instagram posts or Twitter tweets. Creator could use some expertise and strategies if someone wants to tackle the ongoing responsibilities. |
There are a variety of places where congregation members can get involved in the life of the church. Some are committees and teams that have traditionally done the work of our church in a variety of ares. Some are new as Creator looks to the future and explores, by necessity, a more engaged social media and online presence.
These are not all volunteers that need to be identified quickly, but rather they are listed to help us dream about new opportunities we may want to consider for our future. Hopefully this list will suggest other volunteer opportunities that are not identified here where you can be become engaged with Creator's ministries as well. Please use our contact page, call Pastor Emillie, the office or any council member to volunteer for any of these efforts. |