Congregational Involvement
Is the Bible a page-turner for you? The BibleProject is a Portland, Oregon-based nonprofit ed-tech organization and animation studio that produces 100% free Bible videos, podcasts, blogs, classes, and educational Bible resources to help make the biblical story accessible to everyone,everywhere
Center for Action and Contemplation
Amidst a time of planetary change and disruption, those associated with this center envision a recovery of our deep connection to each other and our world, Led by Christian and other spiritual movements that are freeing leaders and communities to overcome dehumanizing systems of oppression and cooperate in the transforming work of Love. ReconcilingWorks
Creator Lutheran Church is a Reconciling In Christ congregation. Since 1974, ReconcilingWorks: Lutherans for Full Participation has advocated for the full welcome, inclusion, and equity of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual/aromantic (LGBTQIA+) Lutherans in all aspects of the life of their Church, congregations, and community. AMMPARO
AMMPARO stands for Accompanying Migrant Minors with Protection, Advocacy, Representation and Opportunities. It is a commitment by the ELCA, as a church in the world, to accompany vulnerable children today and in the future. Meals on Wheels is a nationwide program that provides older Americans nutritious meals and safety checks at little to no cost. The meals can be delivered to your home if you meet eligibility requirements, or you can go to a congregate nutrition site for socialization and food. If you struggle with isolation and meal prep, then Meals on Wheels could provide ease and companionship.
Nadia Bolz-Weber - Makers
Nadia Bolz-Weber is an author, Lutheran minister and public theologian. She served as the founding pastor of House for All Sinners and Saints. She is also a three-time New York Times bestselling author.
ELCA Oregon Synod Creator is part of the ELCA Oregon Synod, one of the 65 synods in the United States. The ELCA is a community of faith that shares a passion for making positive changes in the world. Our faith is built around a strong belief in God, as made known in Jesus Christ. Through service, advocacy, worship, and education, we practice our faith, grow in our relationship with God, and experience God’s grace in our lives. Convergence
Creator has been a member of Convergence, formerly The Center for Progressive Renewal, which supports the reshaping of organizations, congregations and leaders engaged in an age of movement from “organized religion” to “organizing religion” driven by the values of an inclusive, progressive theological vision for a more just world for all. AMMPARO Latest Video
Giovana Oaxaca, program director for Migration Policy and Mary Campbell, program director for AMMPARO (Accompanying Migrant Minors with Protection, Advocacy, Representation and Opportunities) share updates on the current situation and work being done by the ELCA to address change.
Click here to see their latest video. Click here to see the AMMPARO Video Library. African Roads supports changemakers who are grassroots leader transforming their community from the ground up. African Road is built on a foundation of friendship with local partners and their communities in East Africa. These partners – the Changemakers – inspire change through grit, integrity and sacrificial leadership. |
Resources for the Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice. They are provided for helping the immigrant community, faith communities, supporters of the New Sanctuary movement, and for advocacy and education.
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon
EMO's goal is to empower people of faith with the advocacy tools they need to put their faith into action. To this end EMO:
> Advocates for the concerns of the religious community during Oregon’s Legislative Sessions.
> Cosponsors Interfaith Advocacy Day in Salem.
EMO's goal is to empower people of faith with the advocacy tools they need to put their faith into action. To this end EMO:
> Advocates for the concerns of the religious community during Oregon’s Legislative Sessions.
> Cosponsors Interfaith Advocacy Day in Salem.
Rev. Dr. Randy Woodley currently serves as Distinguished Professor of Faith and Culture at George Fox Seminary in Portland, Oregon. (Ph.D. Intercultural Studies) .
Following the action of the 2022 ELCA Churchwide Assembly (CA22.01.06), the ELCA Church Council established the Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church (CRLC)

All migrants and refugees are protected, embraced and empowered in a world of just and welcoming communities.
As a witness to God’s love for all people, we stand with and advocate for migrants and refugees, transforming communities through ministries of service and justice.
Resource News